$1,399.00 $1,199.00

Garrett SeaHunterMkII
[garrett Seah]

    Garrett Sea Hunter Mark II Metal Detector with 8" Open Search Coil
    Ideal for Beaches, Lakes, Oceans, and all Waterways.
    Sea Hunter has been The Master of Water Treasure Hunting for over 25 years.
    With it’s unique Discrete Trash Elimination technology, the Sea Hunter Mark II can eliminate most pull tabs and foil without significantly degrading the sensitivity of rings and coins in Discrete Elimination mode.
    A favorite detector for treasure hunters around the world because of it’s ability to ignore salt water, the Sea Hunter’s electronic housing can be mounted on the hip or above, below or under the cuff in either short or long configuration.
    If you want a submersible PI detector that really discriminates, look no further than the Sea Hunter Mark II.
    In Addition to providing standard discrimination, the Sea Hunter Mark II boasts a unique Discrete Elimination mode which enables it to discriminate unlike any other PI manufactured.
    Gone are those pesky pull tab signals when you’re trying to find rings.
    The Sea Hunter ignores a lot of trash that plagues conventional PI detectors and can find treasure at depths other submersibles can’t reach. Good to 200 feet!

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